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Grow Stronger

Writer's picture: Katie PeshaKatie Pesha

We know that parishes, schools and ministries can often operate from a “Scarcity Mindset” - or, too often, from actual scarcity. Smaller budgets, dwindling attendance and donor participation, and capital improvement projects can all take precedence over hiring or professional development.

As you continue to plan for 2022, how is your staff strength? Are you working together as a team, implementing a shared action plan to further your parish mission? Or are people working against one another - or worse, not communicating at all?

If the latter, consider a staff alignment and retreat day as Lent approaches. Spend the day exploring how the principles of co-responsibility apply to your specific team, and re-awaken the hunger that led employees to ministry work in the first place.

Consider using one or more of these discussion prompts to have an authentic conversation with your team:

  1. Part I - Shift or Drift?

Explore how change happens in your institution. Did roles and responsibilities shift overnight (i.e., a sudden departure of a staff member) or drift, as new ministries and programs were added to the parish office - and to people’s plates? We open the floor for discussion, and find out what enflames people’s hearts - and what might be holding them back.

  1. Part II - A Shared Vision

Have a discussion on setting an internal mission for the team to live by each day. Invite people to share their stories of what brought them to ministry work in the first place.

  1. Part III - Recommit to the Mission

Explore adjusted team roles and responsibilities and map out a year-long process for continuing to grow together. Explore principles of subsidiarity and co-responsibility - and why it’s essential for the future of our faith on the brink of a new apostolic age.

  1. Part IV - Chart a Course for the Future

If you have a strong team, consider taking a day to build a shared action plan for the future, align it with the organization’s mission and vision, and set SMART goals for the coming year.

Ultimately, be more intentional about staffing and training. Every ministry should have access to a communications staffer with proven experience and expertise in the profession.

Homework: Make ongoing communications and digital creativity your team’s top priority in the coming months. You can help each community - and ultimately our Catholic faith as a whole - project a brighter image.

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